Submission Guidelines
As well, I am always interested in ideas for features and articles. If you are involved with
something in which you think other fans of World Music would be interested let me know.
I am particularly looking for bands, artists and labels to profile.
CD Reviews
If you are an artist with an album you would like reviewed here, or a label interested in putting me on your mailing list,
CDs, press kits and passes can be mailed the old-fashioned way to:
Paula Kirman
PO Box 37059
Lynnwood RPO
Edmonton, AB
Canada T5R 5Y2
All materials and feature ideas received will be
seriously considered for review; however, depending on time constraints and the relevance of the materials to World Music,
not all CDs and article ideas will be followed up on.
To submit a link to the Resource Directory, please click here for more information.