Support Inside World Music
Inside World Music is brought to thousands of readers each week, completely free of charge.
There are no subscription or user fees, but the site does cost money to operate each month.
As many of you know, I was the About.com Guide to World Music for four years. Now, instead of being paid
to maintain a World Music site, I am paying for the privilege. I am a full time writer and Web designer, so I rely
on money earned from these ventures in order to make a living. As well, operating the site costs me money out of my own pocket.
Your donation will help keep this site full of fresh material each week, while keeping it free of advertising. All donations will be personally
acknowledged by e-mail and in the Forum.
Please support Inside World Music by making a donation of any amount -- every contribution will be personally acknowledged. For every contribution of
$24.99, you will be sent a World Music CD as a thank-you gift for you generosity! Just send a certified cheque or money order to:
Paula Kirman
c/o Inside World Music
PO Box 37059
Lynnwood RPO
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T5R 5Y2
Or, if you would prefer to use your credit card, you can make your contribution by clicking on the PayPal button: