Hoven Droven
Dateline: 09/04/98

Hoven Droven is best known for taking traditional folk and combining it with hard rock -- an unusual combination, to say the least.
I spoke to drummer Björn Höglund about the band and their musical direction, and below, in his own words, is a profile of the band and where they are at right now.
We started of very traditionally, playing these old tunes on acustic
instruments like congas, acoustic guitar and double bass. But gradually we
understood the raw power of the songs and found it very easy to adapt them
to more modern instruments. Since we all have different influences, from
Charlie Parker to KISS, we all bring different elements to the music.
Kjell-Erik (fiddle) is the one with the deepet roots in traditional
folk music. He spent a lot of time traveling and recording, talking to, old
fiddle players. He learned hundreds of songs from them. I for one had never
listened to folk music before I met him....
Goals huh..? Well, maybe make some more money.... No seriously,
weīre doing very well, and since we didnīt expect making CDs and travelling
around the world when we started, itīs all a bonus from here. We are
currently planning a two week tour of Australia, that would be something
wouldnīt it ?
Recreating the sound.....well since the albums are played very much
live, we have no ploblems with that. We are going to record a new album
very soon, and we have some thoughts about arranging it slightly different.
But all the songs we are going to record are songs that already works
live. We just want to do something different for the CD-listener, that way
the live experience can be even more interesting!
Graphics courtesy of NorthSide.