Ashwin Batish's Musical Adventures
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Paula: How long have you been playing the sitar and what interested you about
the instrument?
Ashwin: I got interested in the dholak and tabla before I did the sitar. I was only
about 7 when I started to dabble in the dholak - a double headed, barrel
shaped, folk drum. This was a natural progression for me as my mother used
to play it a lot at special gathering called "Ladies Sangeet" where the
women of the neighborhood would get together for a "women only" song
session (small boys allowed but no adult males ). They would do devotional
singing but sometimes the sessions would take off into all kinds of folk
songs. I used to accompany her to these gatherings. Here, when she would
play, I would often play a rhythm on the wooden surface of the Dholak using
a stick or a spoon. We still have this dholak with chunks of varnish
missing. My hitting must have been a bit rough. Gradually I went on to
playing the dholak itself. My first dholak lesson was given to me by my
mother. I started with very simple rhythms but started to get better with
time and also my father started to take an interest in teaching me. To my
surprise, I found him tp be an excellent player! Latter, at around age 10,
I started to play the tabla. This interest was a result of my sister's
kathak (classical North Indian dance) lessons where her teacher would
accompany her on the tabla and I was fascinated with the possibilities. My
interest got my father to buy me a set and then he started to teach me the
basics. I was very surprised with his know how on the tabla as I had never
seen or heard him play either of these drums before!
My tabla playing really improved my dholak technique. I started to learn
this in earnest till age 14. At a musical gathering of a family friend
Pandit Bhagatram, I first saw the sitar being played by his son Ashok. I
was fascinated with it. Ashok was only 2 years older than me and was doing
extremely well on this instrument. It made me envious. During this same
period my family was on the move to England. After we were settled there I
started to learn sitar with my father Pandit Shiv Dayal Batish. I kept up
the dholak and the tabla but after a bout with playing Beatle songs my
father gradually started to teach me classical compositions.
Since I first heard it, it's magical, reverberating sounds have fascinated
me. Even as a child I would often go to sleep listening to its droning
sounds. My father, again to my surprise, would pick this instrument up and
play some of the most beautiful music. I wanted desperately to learn it. I
would often pick it up to play only to find that it was very difficult and
very big! My hands would have a terrible time reaching the low notes. I
would have to literally lie back on our sofa to be able to access these
notes. This evolved into a personal sitting technique. Latter, at age 15, I
even did a short benefit performance for a charity where they brought a
sofa on the stage!
As I grew taller, I started to sit properly in a half lotus position. I was
also given some Ravi Shankar records by my mother. I still play some of
these tunes on my sitar. But as I started to show more interest my father
started to teach me the proper technique and raga compositions. He would
often sing these out to me and I would learn the songs vocally and then
practice taking them out on the sitar.
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